Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My bike is a b*tch.

I have named my (2nd) bike Millificent. She is a witch. Yes, I ride her every day. Yes, she functions. Yes, she holds my water bottle and rolls and has handlebars.

But she also gets flat tires, broken spokes and kaput brakes at least once a week! Gah!!!

She's not really awful, it's just been interesting learning how to care for my bike in a "i-need-this-to-get-to-work" way, instead of an "it's-time-for-one-of-my-yearly-rides" way. I bike to both of my jobs. It's about 3 miles between my apartment and either job, so I'm riding 5.5-6 miles 6 days a week, in addition to a random hike and run that I throw in. I've been too busy to go to the gym, and who wants to when it;s actually sunny outside?

I haven't weighed myself for a wee bit, but I think that will be a more regular occurrence after a shopping trip tomorrow:) gee, I can't even imagine what you would be buying...

Have and excellent middle of your week! Good luck on all your fitness goals!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

my dogs are tired, yo!


Ran 3 miles on Monday.

Hiked 5 miles on Tuesday.

Biked to work and did an abs workout at home today.

Woot woot!

I also ate pretty darn healthy through all of that! My goal of this week is to drink less. Still drink, but not every night, and only a bit. It's crazy how many calories are in beer.wine.liquer. Darnit:)

Let's talk for a moment about this blog. It is changing. For at least a while. When I first started it was a fantastic place to share research, results, and kept me focused. It has been hard to stay motivated the last few months, and the blog has suffered. Sorry.

The next month is busy for me because my bff is getting married soon! The one awesome one whose wedding I bought a dress one size smaller for...egads! So for the next month, I will be doing pretty basic update posts. I know it's not much, or very exciting, but at this point in time, it's what I need.

So. That's all. I am pumped about my sore legs and feet. And about the dress. And of course, this season of shorts, and skirts...that I get to participate in:)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kayaking in the Rain

It's raining in Portland right now. I don't know if you knew that. It's been raining for about the past three weeks.

"Wait, isn't it June?"

Yep. Yep it is. Still raining. I love Portland, I love the Pacific Northwest, and I love rain for 8 months out of the year. But for pete's sake, this is supposed to be one of the beautiful four!

Despite the drizzle, I went kayaking today! I have been twice before and LOVED it, and it was so much fun to go with a good friend who knew what they were doing! I learned a lot, I saw 3 bald eagles and 4 hawks, 2 blues herons, and a partridge in a pear tree....okay, not the partridge:)

I also biked 11 miles! It's been a busy day:)

I weighed myself today and found that I am at 183lbs! Sweet! I'll take it! (isn't it funny how different we weigh at different times of the day? Like, If I weighed myself right now I would be about 185lbs, due to the amount of cookies, fruit, and sangria in my belly...yum)

So in an effort to take another look at my health/diet/nutrition, I am reading "Why French Women don't get Fat." I read a little of it about 2 years ago, but I remember giving up early in the book, when she suggests a weekend of drinking leek broth....not really my thing. And I still don't think that's my style. But she is presenting some good ideas in a palatable way, so we will see what happens. I'll keep you updated on the reading, my weight, and this wonderful journey we call life!

(Also, I'm thinking there should be a book out there called "Why Irish-American Women don't get why Beer isn't a Food:)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Priorities, Runs, and Pictures, oh my!

So I went on vacation three weeks ago, and it was fantastic! I went to Washington DC to see my little sister graduate from college, and soon my brother will be graduating from high school! Woot for them! The picture above is me looking cool in front of the White House. That was the day I rocked the Austrian Maverick look:)

Actually, those shorts are the first women's shorts I have owned in a while. I usually go for guy's shorts because they are longer, don;t hug my body, and come with many handy pockets:)
This epic picture is of my room mates and I at the Shamrock Run. Did I mention that one of my room mates is in a pipe band? Oh yeah.

I was thinking about the Shamrock run recently, because (drumroll please) I am signing up for another run! I need a goal to work towards, and so I will be doing a 8k at the end of July.

Now. Time to regroup.

I was looking at my calendar, trying to see how off track I have gotten. This plateau (mostly self inflicted) has hurt me. I am wounded sir, but not dead! Wouldn't you know it, there are 30 more weeks in the year, starting from today. I haven't weighed myself for 2 weeks, but I am assuming I am hanging around 184. So that gives me 30 weeks to lose 30lbs. Step by step.

My weight has taken a back burner to other life events. Such as: my promotion. I am now in a new cafe, in charge of people who have been barista's far longer than I have, and working a completely different schedule. Stress is high and routine is gone. But it has been 3 weeks, and I think I am getting used to my new schedule.

So now I know that while I don't have energy to make food after work, I can make more complicated stuff in the morning. Like quiche, or a pasta salad for later! And then when I come home from work late in the evening, I should just eat fruit and a small serving of carbs/protein. Not the sweets and fats I crave...like the 2 doughnuts I just ate.

Have I mentioned bingeing tendencies? It mostly involves sweets, but lately I just want to eat, and once I start, it is hard to start. Nothing really fills me, and I know it has to do with stress.

So. New job. New boss. New schedule. Car broke down. Still no romantic life. Working 6 day weeks. Wanderlust is setting in.

I was talking to a friend recently, and found myself saying that my 20's feel like survival. I wake up, survive without any major bodily harm, try not to hurt others, come home, sleep. And I consider that a successful day. I am stressed. But working on it.

Thanks for still reading, and for inspiring me. I'm coming back, and am excited to get on this journey again!